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Durham (Diocese)
Places within the Diocese
Posts with the Diocese
- Barry Abbott - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jill Karen Abbott - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Karen Abbott - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Cameron Peter Abernethy - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Grace Aciro - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Daniel Thomas Ackerley - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Jonathan Henry Adams - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Roger James Alderson - Retired Clergy
- Charlotte Allen - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member
- Keith Allison - Retired Clergy
- Ann Anderson - Bishop's Visitor, Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jeffrey Anderson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Martin Edward Anderson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Peter Anderton - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Elaine Arands - Secretary to the Diocesan Registrar
- William Arkless - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Elizabeth Armes - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Adrian Christopher Armstrong - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- William George Armstrong - Reader: Date of Admission
- Margaret Betty Armstrong - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul Andrew Arnold - Bishop's Council-Elected (Clergy), Audit and Risk Committee - Member,
- Paul Arnold - Investment Committee Member - Laity
- Bernadette Askins - Faith in the Community Project Officer
- Jeffrey Astley - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Liane Atkin - Board of Education-Officers
- Timothy James Atkins - Retired Clergy
- Michael Atkinson - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector, Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Hilary Avent - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Damon John Bage - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Katherine Janet Bagnall - Bishop's Council-Elected (Clergy), Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Amanda Baines - Board of Education-Nominated - Laity
- Deborah Maureen Baker - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member
- Neville Duff Baker - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate, Non Residentiary Canon Emeritus
- Michael Baldwin - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Peter Alan Baldwin - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- James Ballantyne - Community Development Team Leader
- Sheila Jane Bamber - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paula Barber - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Emma Louise Charlotte Barker - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Nicholas John Willoughby Barker - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (House of Clergy), Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul Barker - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Barnes - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Anthony Barnes - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Nicholas James Barr-Hamilton - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John William Barron - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Leslie Gill Barron - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Alan Bennett Bartlett - Ministry Development Adviser, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Sandra Barton - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Anthony Bash - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Patricia Ramsey Bealing - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Beaumont - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity, Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Gillian Margaret Beck - Retired Clergy
- Selina Beck - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Michael Leonard Beck - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Hadyn Thomas Beckwith - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Arthur James Bell - Retired Clergy
- Eileen Bell - Board of Education-Officers
- John George Bell - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Donald Jon Bell - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Stuart Bennett - Retired Clergy
- Craig Anthony Bentley - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Neil Graham Benzies - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Alistair Bianchi - Ministry Experience Volunteer (MEV) Co-ordinator, General Synod-Members of House of Laity, ,
- Margaret Ruth Bianchi - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Robert Federick Bianchi - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Phillip Leslie Bishop - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Alison Blackburn - Bishop's Council-Elected (Laity)
- Christopher Blackburn - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Elaine Blackett-Ord - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector, Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Christine Marilyn Blakesley - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Brenda Elizabeth Bloomfield - Retired Clergy
- Kathryn Louise Boardman - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- David William Bond - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Gillian Booth - Bishop's Leadership Team-Member
- Peter George Booth - Reader: Date of Admission
- Amanda Jane Boyd - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Richard Gordon Edward Bradshaw - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Jennifer Ann Bradshaw - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Thomas Ian Brazier - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Gordon Brewis - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Melody Briggs - Director of Studies of Lindisfarne College of Theology
- Richard Briggs - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Christine Elizabeth Britcliffe - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Bernice Muriel Croager Broggio - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Martin Brooke - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Katherine Margaret Brooke - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Diocesan Synod-Nominated by the Bishop (House of Clergy)
- Philip David Brooks - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Lloyd John Brown - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Peter Brown - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Richard Brown - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Rosalind Brown - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- A Browne - Patron
- Bethany Browning - Digital Media Officer, Diocesan Synod-In Attendance
- Kathrine Sarah Bruce - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Susan Elizabeth Bruce - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David John Bryan - Retired Clergy
- Jocelyn Margaret Bryan - Reader: Date of Admission, Diocesan Synod-Nominated by the Bishop (House of Laity),
- Philip Mark Bullock - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Janet Burbury - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Anita Kay Burke - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Amy Helen Burns - Bishop's Council-In Attendance, Bishop's Leadership Team-Member
- Jenny Burton - Academic Administrator of Lindisfarne College of Theology
- Anthony Bushell - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Nicholas Alexander Vavasseur Buxton - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member
- Stanley Buyers - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Melanie Ann Campbell - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Julia Elaine Candy - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Carter - Contractor
- Phillip Alan Carter - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Anthony James Cavanagh - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Emmerson Chadwick - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Lynn Chambers - Board of Education-Nominated - Laity
- Paul Chandler - Audit and Risk Committee - Member
- Michael William Edward Chater - Reader: Date of Admission
- Nichola Carla Chater - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Diocesan Synod Clergy
- Susan Chew - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul William David Child - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Anne Clappison - Reader: Date of Admission
- John Patrick Hedley Clark - Retired Clergy
- Lilian Clark - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Sarah Elizabeth Clark - Bishop of Jarrow, Bishop's Leadership Team-Member, , , ,
- Stephanie Clark - Vacancy in See Committee-Chair of House of Clergy, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Alan John Clarke - Retired Clergy
- Paul Clayton - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Rachael Mary Cleasby - Assistant Secretary to the Bishop of Durham
- Norma Clee - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate, Diocesan Mothers Union Chaplain
- Emma Clements - Diocesan Synod Laity
- David Robert Cleugh - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Frank William Cliff - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Brian Eric Close - Retired Clergy
- Joshua Luke Cockayne - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member
- Philip Coles - Land Agent
- Christopher Collins - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Shaun Conlon - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Frances Cooper - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Jennifer Elaine Cooper - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, IME2 Officer,
- Robert James Cooper - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Graham Phillip Copley - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Emma Cosgrif - Closed Churches Uses Panel - Officers - Laity
- Christopher Cotton - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Kenneth Coulson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Rosemary Jennifer Cox - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Andrew John Craig - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Craig - Audit and Risk Committee - Member
- Ian Hamilton Crofts - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Claire Louise Cullingworth - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Dawn Patricia Cummings - Reader: Date of Admission
- Elizabeth Cummings - Retired Clergy
- John Curtis - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Vernon John Cuthbert - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Neil Frederick Cuthbertson - Reader: Date of Admission
- Raymond Cuthbertson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John Michael D'Silva - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Andrea Elizabeth Dart - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Davidson Chineduzim David - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Trevor John Davidson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- James Davidson-Brett - Church Commissioners: Pastoral
- Douglas James Davies - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Ian Davies - Retired Clergy
- Roger Charles Davies - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Michael Davison - Clerk to St Hild & St Bede Trust
- Brian Mark Davy - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Maggi Eleanor Dawn - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Ruth Adelaide Dawson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Vivian Day - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Margaret Mary Deimel - Bishop's Adviser on New Spiritual Movements, Retired Clergy
- Robert Anthony Desics - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Margaret Rose Devine - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Caroline Ann Dick - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Raymond Owen Dick - Retired Clergy
- Thomas Hudson Dick - Reader: Date of Admission
- Helen Dimmock - Patron
- Edward Michael Dixon - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Samantha Dixon - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Linda Dodds - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Kevin Doonan - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Linda Dott - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Andrew Christopher Dowsett - Diocesan Disability Adviser, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Joanna Helen Dowsett - Bishop's Council - Receives Mailing - Laity, PA to the Bishop of Durham
- Geoff Driver - Retired Clergy
- David Malcolm Duke - Retired Clergy
- Kevin Headley Dunne - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Mark Richard East - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Jane Louise Easterby - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Stephen Paul Edge - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- David Philip Thomas Edmondson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Susan Elsey - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Fiona Ann Eltringham - Retired Clergy
- John William Estall - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Lloyd Russell Evans - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Michael John Everitt - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Convenor of the Deliverance Group
- Rachael Theresa Farnham - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Sidney Fay - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Rebecca Anne Mary Feeney - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member
- Vincent Thompson Fenton - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Caroline Marie Ferguson - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Ronald Leslie Ferguson - Retired Clergy
- John Fisher - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Madeleine Fisher - Community Development Worker
- Gordon Wolfe Fletcher - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Guy Foster (Foster's Forestry) - Contractor
- William John Foulger - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- James More MacLeod Francis - Retired Clergy
- Mary Fraser - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Caroline Anne Friswell - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Stephen Gardiner - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Lorna Olive Gardner - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Adrian Colin Gatrill - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Anthony Gelston - Retired Clergy
- Claire Anne Gibbs - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Roger Gibson - Reader: Date of Admission
- Deborah Gill - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Margaret Mary Gilley - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Calum Gillhespy - Closed Churches Uses Panel - Officers - Laity
- Timothy Gittins - Deputy Diocesan Chancellor
- Gareth Peter Gladman - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Dinah Gollan - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Ian Douglass Gomersall - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Julianne Sandra Goodhart - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Amy Farquhar Gooding - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Edward George Alexander Gorringe - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Angus Goudie - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (House of Laity), Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio Mem (House of Laity),
- Lynda Elizabeth Gough - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Malcolm Samuel Gourley - Retired Clergy
- Chloe Granger - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Elaine Isobel Grant - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Richard Grant - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Elaine Gray - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Melvyn Gray - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Lana Green - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Yvonne Greener - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Philip Adrian Greenhalgh - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John Newton Greenwood - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Elizabeth Gertrude Gregory-Smith - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- David Campbell Grieve - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Frances Jane Grieve - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John Rodney Griffith - Retired Clergy
- Neville Griffiths - Retired Clergy
- Shirley Thelma Griffiths - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul Grundy - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Mark Gurney - Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel-Chair
- Brian Hails - Retired Clergy
- James Hall - Bishop's Council-Elected (Laity), Diocesan Synod-Nominated by the Bishop (House of Laity)
- Rosalyn Hall - Retired Clergy
- Michael Hans Joachim Hampel - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Mervyn Hancock - Retired Clergy
- Alec James Harding - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Andrew Graham Harris - Reader: Date of Admission
- Carol Harris - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- David Lindsay Harris - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Bruce Mountford Harrison - Retired Clergy
- James Herbert Harrison - Bishop's Council-Elected (Laity), General Synod-Members of House of Laity, , ,
- Julie Maria Harrison - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Mark Harrison - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Paul Thomas Harrison - Retired Clergy
- Sarah Harrison - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector, Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Eileen Khean Geok Harrop - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Diocesan UKME Adviser
- Emma Harte-Waters - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Thomas James Harvey - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Kayla Brooke Harward - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Jeffrey William Rowland Hattan - Retired Clergy
- Stephen David Hazlett - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John Henry Hearn - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jo Heaton - Board of Education-Nominated - Laity
- William Clifford Hedley - Retired Clergy
- David Henderson - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Michael Thomas Hendry - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Rosemary Hendry - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Stephen Edward Herbert - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David George Heron - Retired Clergy
- Sarah Jayne Heslop - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Ruth Hicks - Bishop's Council-Elected (Laity)
- Fiona Elizabeth Hill - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Stuart Graeme Hill - Retired Clergy
- Barbara Hilton - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Judith Hirst - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Alison Clare Hobbs - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Paul Hobbs - Reader: Date of Admission, Vacancy in See Committee-Elected (Laity),
- Deborah Jane Hodge - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Tony Holden - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Samuel Richard Hole - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Geoffrey Holland - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Brian Holmes - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Stephen Holmes - Reader: Date of Admission
- Peter Michael Hood - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Malcolm Hooper - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Sarah Penelope Hope - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Susan Hope - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Carole Hopkinson - Diocesan Synod-Nominated by the Bishop (House of Laity), President of Mothers Union
- Hylda Eileen Hopper - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- John Hopper - Voluntary Police Chaplain-Chester le Street, Reader: Date of Admission
- Martin Howard - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Secretary
- Brian Howell - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Judith Elizabeth Howes - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Christopher Stewart Howson - Interfaith Adviser, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Emily Victoria Hudghton - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Mark James David Hudghton - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Daniel James Hudson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Barnaby Thomas Huish - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Bishop's Council-Elected (Clergy), ,
- John Barry Hunt - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Adrian Iles - Diocesan Chancellor, Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (House of Laity)
- Stewart Irwin - Retired Clergy
- Martin Jackson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Derek William Jago - Reader: Date of Admission
- Mojisola Adebimpe Jaiyesimi - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Charles James - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Pauline James - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Marilyn Jamieson - Retired Clergy
- Thomas Lindsay Jamieson - Retired Clergy
- Colin Jay - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Bishop's Adviser to Healthcare Chaplains
- Sarah Clare Jay - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Ian Jelley - Retired Clergy
- Alfred Michael Habgood Jennings - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Peter Michael Jeynes - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- David Alan Johnson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Diana Margaret Johnson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul James Johnson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Peter Stewart Johnson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Alexander Richard Irving Jones - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Andrew Collins Jones - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Brenda Jones - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Elaine Edith Jones - Retired Clergy
- Lesley Marie Jones - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Sarah Louise Millican Jones - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Lilian Mary Jordan - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- David Jowett - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Mary Ruth Judson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul Wesley Judson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Susanne Jukes - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Rupert Kalus - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Peter Zacharias Kashouris - Board of Education-Nominated - Clergy, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Matthew Paul Keddilty - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Giles Kendall - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jeremy Kendall - Closed Churches Uses Panel - Member - Laity
- Paul Joseph Alan Kennedy - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Henry Andrew Killick - Reader: Date of Admission
- Martin Quartermain King - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Michael King - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Nicholas Bernard Paul King - Retired Clergy
- Antony Philip Kirby - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Georgina Kirtley - Retired Clergy
- Christopher Hammond Knights - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Bishop's Council-In Attendance, , ,
- Ulrike Knox - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- George Joseph Lackenby - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- James Lancelot - Liturgical Committee-Dean & Chapter Nominee
- Catherine Ann Lawes - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Geoffrey Hyland Lawes - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Susan Leatherbarrow - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Margaret Lee - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Arthur Leech - Church Buildings Panel - Member - Laity
- Matthew James Levinsohn - Bishop's Council-Elected (Clergy), Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Leslie Lewis - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Sharon Lewis - Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel - Member - Laity
- Andy Lie - Diocesan Synod-Ecumenical Observer URC
- Danie Maria Lindley - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Diocesan Environmental Champion
- Linda Lindsay - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Carol Lines - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- John Lintern - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Livesley - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Stephen John Locke - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Geoffrey Addison Lowson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David James Lucas - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Keith Lumsdon - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John Edward Lund - Retired Clergy
- Alison MacKay - Reader: Date of Admission
- Margaret Mackay - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Glen Macknight - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Clare MacLaren - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Carol Maddison - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Nichola Louise Main - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- khaiko Michael Timothy Makwela-Wali - Diocesan Synod-Nominated by the Bishop (House of Laity)
- Paul Mallett - Reader: Date of Admission
- John Marshall - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Joanne Martin - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Kate Martin - Diocesan Synod-Receives Mailing, Bishop's Council - Receives Mailing - Laity,
- Penelope Elizabeth Martin - Retired Clergy
- Stephen Martin - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- David Mason - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Hugh Philip Massey - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector, Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Richard Eric Masshedar - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Malcolm Masterman - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- James Peter Masters - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Francis Maude - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Alan Mark Mawhinney - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con), ,
- Phyllis Kathleen Maxwell - Reader: Date of Admission
- David John Mayes - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Andrew McAllister - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Roland McManners - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Simon Alexander McMurtary - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Bethany McNeeley - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Kyle Gillies McNeil - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Robert Ian McTeer - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate, Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Pauline Meek - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Jean Melrose - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Anne Melton - Retired Clergy
- Gillian Ann Melvin - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Ronald Metcalfe - Retired Clergy
- Alan Derek Middleton - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Penny Middleton - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Elizabeth Ruth Miller - Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel - Member - Laity, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
- William David Miller - Retired Clergy
- Mark George Miller - Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con), Clergy with Bishop's Licence, ,
- Alan Milne - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jolyon Peter Mitchell - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Lucas John Mix - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Deanery Synod-Clergy
- Jennifer Moberly - Retired Clergy
- Robert Walter Lambert Moberly - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jessica Jayne Monopoli - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- J & A Moody - Contractor
- Tom Moorcroft - Communications Assistant
- Geoffrey Alastair Moore - Reader: Date of Admission
- Nicholas James Moore - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- J Morenammele - Diocesan Durham - Lesotho Link Officer
- John James Grubb Morgan - Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio-Secretary, Bishop's Leadership Team-Member, , , , , ,
- Georgina Laura Morley - Retired Clergy
- Leslie James Morley - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Anastasis Moskvina - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Lucy Margaret Moss - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Caroline Mulley - Audit and Risk Committee - Chair, Bishop's Council - Receives Mailing - Laity
- David Philip James Munby - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Steve Muneza - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Rob Munro - Assistant Bishop
- Heather Murray - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul Ridsdale Murray - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- William John Musson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member
- Jill Nattrass - Reader: Date of Admission
- Karen Naunton - Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel - Member - Laity
- Alex Nelson - Diocesan Durham - Lesotho Trustees
- Ian Ness - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Paul Stewart David Neville - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Bishop's Council-In Attendance,
- Derek Newton - Retired Clergy
- Gary Nicholson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Niven - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Chantal Noppen - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con), General Synod-Members of House of Clergy, ,
- Chukwuemeli Tochukwu Okafor - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Simon Andrew Oliver - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member
- Timothy John Douglas Ollier - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Boyle Omobude - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Oluremi Richard Omole - Bishop's Leadership Team-Member, Diocesan Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Enabler,
- Lisa Jane Oram - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- David Thomas Osman - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Stephen William Osman - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Doreen Park - Reader: Date of Admission
- Emma Louise Parker - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Andrew Parkinson - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Daniel James Parkinson - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Joy Mary Parkinson - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Sarah Kathryn Rachel Parkinson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Paul Philip Paterson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate, Finance Officer for Ordinands
- Colin Hugh Patterson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John Francis Pattinson - Reader: Date of Admission
- Malcolm Thompson Peach - Retired Clergy
- Michael John Peers - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- I Pemberton - Patron
- Richard Penman - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Carl Richard Peters - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Muriel Peters - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Andrei Anatolievich Petrine - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Adele Phillips - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Rachael Elizabeth Phillips - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Stephen Lyndon Pickering - Bishop's Council-Elected (Laity), Board of Education-Elected (Durham Archdeaconry) - Laity
- Rosalind Christine Pickersgill - Reader: Date of Admission
- William Pine - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Trevor Pitt - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Philip James John Plyming - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Bishop's Council - Ex-officio Member - Clergy, , ,
- Douglas Charles David Pocock - Reader: Date of Admission
- Derek Henry Price - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Stephanie Anne Price - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Alastair Prince - Vocations Strategy Development Adviser, Clergy with Bishop's Licence,
- John Lawrence Pritchard - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate, Diocesan Synod-Receives Mailing,
- G Purves - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Sarah Elizabeth Quinn - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Stephen Race - Assistant Bishop
- Alan Raine - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Raine - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Philippa Ramsay - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Paul John Regan - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Margaret Patricia Reid - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Richard John Rendall - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Christine Richardson - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Hannah Marie Richardson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Linda Richardson - Bishop's Council - Receives Mailing - Laity
- William Rigby - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Anthony Roache - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jenny Roberts - Reader: Date of Admission
- Hugh Martin Roberts - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Member - Laity
- Anne Marie Robertson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Andrew Robinson - Liturgical Committee - Bishop's Council Nominee - Laity
- Constance (Connie) Mary Robinson - Reader: Date of Admission
- Dawn Robinson - Bishop's Council - Receives Mailing - Laity
- Deborah Veronica Robinson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Peter Robinson - Board of Education-Observers - Clergy
- Christine Anne Rodgers - Reader: Date of Admission
- Bryony Roff - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector, Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Frank Andrew Rogers - Bishop's Council-Elected (Laity), Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Ranjith Rosa - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Simon James Rose - Adviser in Pastoral Care, Counselling and Clergy Wellbeing
- Heather Ross - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Gregory James Round - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Charlotte Rowbotham - Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel - Member - Laity
- Gareth Richard Rowlands - Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- David William Rushton - Clergy with Bishop's Licence, Licensed Clergy not on Deanery Synod-Member,
- Gavin Michael Rushton - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Neil Russell - Retired Clergy
- Diane Therese Hazel Ryan - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Michael Sadgrove - Retired Clergy
- Stephen Benjamin Gilbert Sanders - Reader: Date of Admission
- Stephen McCourt Sandham - Retired Clergy
- Olive Elizabeth Sangha - Reader: Date of Admission
- Ruth Mary Sansom - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Martin Paul Saunders - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John Robson Scorer - Non Residentiary Canon Emeritus, Retired Clergy
- Benjamin Lee Scott - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- James Laurence William Scott - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Norman Rossen Shave - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Ralph Shaw - Retired Clergy
- Valerie Shedden - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Maeve Christina Mary Sherlock - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Leslie Shorten - Reader: Funeral Permission
- Catherine Ann Simpson - School Chaplaincy Adviser, Diocese of Durham School's Chaplaincy Newtwork,
- Richard Lee Simpson - Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel - Member - Clergy, , , , , , , ,
- Peter Sinclair - Retired Clergy
- Beresford Skelton - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Dennis Michael Skelton - Retired Clergy
- Ann Smith - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Anthony James Smith - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Helen Smith - General Synod-Members of House of Laity, Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio Mem (House of Laity),
- Howard Smith - Diocesan Bells Adviser
- Kenneth Robert Smith - Retired Clergy
- Kenneth Smith - Reader: Date of Admission
- Richard Ian Smith - Non Residentiary Canon Emeritus, Retired Clergy
- Smiths Gore - Land Agent
- Philip George Allan Smithson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Dorothy Margaret Snowball - SSM Adviser, Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Peter Snowden - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Ian Mark Somasundram - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Lindsay Margaret Southern - Diocesan Synod Clergy, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Simon Timothy Spencer - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- David Spokes - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Daniel Spraggon - Closed Churches Uses Panel-Secretary
- None St John's College, Durham - Patron
- Katharine Ruth Stables - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Staffurth Stancliffe - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate, Assistant Bishop,
- Martin Stand - Board of Education-Nominated - Laity
- Frances Ruth Stenlake - Bishop's Council-Chair of House of Laity, Vacancy in See Committee-Chair of House of Laity
- Eric George Stephenson - Retired Clergy
- Lucy Catherine Stewart - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Alison Mary Stewart-Smith - Board of Education-Elected (Durham Archdeaconry) - Clergy, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Heather Ann Stokes - Liturgical Committee - Co-opted - Laity, Reader: Date of Admission
- Paul Stokes - Reader: Date of Admission
- Ruth Margaret Stokes - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Nigel Thomas Bevan Strafford - Retired Clergy
- Matthew David Strand - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Sarah Elizabeth Strand - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Paul William Stringer - Bishop's Council-Assistant Secretary, Audit and Risk Committee - In Attendance,
- Roderick Stuart - Diocesan Synod-Receives Mailing, Bishop's Leadership Team-Member
- Sunderland Glazing Services - Contractor
- Lesley Ann Sutherland - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- John Brian Swallow - Retired Clergy
- Susan Sweeting - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- June Phyllis Talbot - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Matthew Paul Tarling - Vacancy in See Committee-Elected (Clergy), Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Gary Taylor - Diocesan Synod-In Attendance, Audit and Risk Committee - In Attendance,
- J Taylor - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Catherine Elizabeth Taylor - Reader: Date of Admission
- Maurice Taylor - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Susie Taylor - Board of Education-Officers
- Jan Teasdale - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- The Chancellor - Patron
- The Chapter of Durham - Patron
- The Church Pastoral Aid Society - Patron
- The Church Society Trust - Patron
- The Clerk to the Governers - Patron
- The Crown - Patron
- The Earl of Durham - Patron
- The Ex-officio Trustees - Patron
- The Governing Council - Patron
- The Rt Hon Lord Barnard - Patron
- The Rt Hon Lord Northbourne - Patron
- Ruth Thomas - Retired Clergy
- Clare Thompson - Bishop's Council - Receives Mailing - Laity
- J Thompson - Diocesan Clocks Advisor
- Mervyn Thompson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Michael Thompson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Sarah Thompson - Bishop's Council - Receives Mailing - Laity, PA to the Bishop of Jarrow
- Patricia Thompson - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Robert Douglass Thomson - Retired Clergy
- Joanne Thorns - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Margaret Thrush - Retired Clergy
- Kathryn Agnes Tiernan - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- David Tolhurst - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con), Vacancy in See Committee-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con), , ,
- Kevin Edward Tones - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Mary Louise Tones - Reader: Date of Admission
- Gordon James Tough - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Lee Trevorrow-Earl - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Andrew Trigger - Reader: Date of Admission
- Kevin Stanley Tromans - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Joseph Robert Tulip - Communications Officer
- Brian Robert Turnbull - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Paul Graham Edward Tyler - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Dean Tyne & Wear building services Ltd - Contractor
- Peter Per Jonas Waldemar Tyreus - Retired Clergy
- Jacqueline Tyson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Christopher M F Unwin - Retired Clergy
- Joan Urwin - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Area Command Police Chaplain/Sunderland Vacant - Chaplain: Police
- Bishop's Council - Ex-officio Member Vacant - Bishop's Council - Ex-officio Member - Laity
- Bishop's Council - Ex-officio Member Vacant - Bishop's Council - Ex-officio Member - Clergy
- Bishop's Council - In Attendance Vacant - Bishop's Council-In Attendance
- Chair/Liturgical Committee Vacant - Liturgical Committee-Chair (Liturgical Commission)
- Chaplain to the Queen Vacant - Chaplain: To the Queen
- Chaplain: Voluntary Police /Seaham Vacant - Voluntary Police Chaplain - Seaham
- Chaplain: Volunteer Police/Newton Aycliffe Vacant - Voluntary Police Chaplain-Newton Aycliffe
- Church Buildings Panel/Ex-offico Member Vacant - Church Buildings Panel-Ex-officio Member
- Church Buildings Panel/Member Vacant - Church Buildings Panel - Member - Laity
- Church Buildings Panel/Member Vacant - Church Buildings Panel - Member - Laity
- Church Buildings Panel/Member Vacant - Church Buildings Panel - Member - Laity
- Closed Churches Uses Panel/Member Vacant - Closed Churches Uses Panel - Member - Laity
- Diocesan Synod - in Attendance Vacant - Diocesan Synod-In Attendance
- Diocesan Synod-Ecumenical Observer Methodist Vacant - Diocesan Synod-Ecumenical Observer Methodist
- Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio (House of Laity) Vacant - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (House of Laity)
- Diocesan Synod/Chair of House of Clergy Vacant - Diocesan Synod-Chair of House of Clergy
- Diocesan Synod/Ecumenical Observer RC Vacant - Diocesan Synod-Ecumenical Observer RC
- Diocesan Synod/Ex-officio Mem (House of Clergy) Vacant - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (House of Clergy)
- Diocesan Synod/Ex-officio Mem (House of Clergy) Vacant - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (House of Clergy)
- Diocesan Synod/University Proctor Vacant - Diocesan Synod-University Proctor
- Investment Committee - Member Vacant - Investment Committee Member - Laity
- Registry Clerk Vacant - Registry Clerk
- Senior Chaplain/Northumbria Police Vacant - Chaplain: Police
- Treasurer/Liturgical Committee Vacant - Liturgical Committee-Treasurer
- Voluntary Police Chaplain/Barnard Castle Deanery Vacant - Voluntary Police Chaplain - Barnard Castle
- Voluntary Police Chaplain/Crook Vacant - Voluntary Police Chaplain-Crook
- Voluntary Police Chaplain/Darlington Vacant - Voluntary Police Chaplain-Darlington
- Voluntary Police Chaplain/Peterlee Vacant - Voluntary Police Chaplain-Peterlee
- Voluntary Police Chaplain/Spennymoor Vacant - Voluntary Police Chaplain-Spennymoor
- Women's Adviser in Ministry Vacant - Women's Adviser in Ministry
- Brett Paul Stanley Vallis - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Adam Vaughan - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Margaret Louise Vaughan - Bishop's Council - Ex-officio Member - Laity, Bishop's Leadership Team-Member,
- Anne Vernon - Board of Education-Officers
- Paul William Vincent - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Neville Peter Vine - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Mahalha Wachepa - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Anne Frances Wakefield - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Gavin Tracy Wakefield - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Miriam Anne Wakefield - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Elizabeth Walker - Retired Clergy
- Paul Laurence Walker - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Judith Anne Walker-Hutchinson - Retired Clergy
- Timothy Wall - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Heather Wallace - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- James Robert Walsh - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Brian Walton - Retired Clergy
- Catherine Walton - Diocesan Environmental Champion, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Jonathan Ward - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Julian David Ward - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Jo Warner - Board of Education-Officers
- Mary Warner - Retired Clergy
- Nigel Bruce Warner - Retired Clergy
- Keith Leonard Wassall - Retired Clergy
- Peter Waterhouse - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate, Retirement Officers-Elected
- Peter David Watherston - Retired Clergy
- Andrew Murray Watson - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Derek Stanley Watson - Retired Clergy
- Mark Watt - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Ian William Waugh - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Michael David Way - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Peter Henry Webb - Retired Clergy
- Simon Webb - RRC Admin
- David Webster - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity
- Geoffrey William Webster - Retired Clergy
- Peter Welby - Retired Clergy
- Ian Wells - Diocesan Advisory Committee - Appointed - Laity, Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Kathleen Welsh - Reader: Date of Admission
- Robert Leslie Welsh - Retired Clergy
- Andrew Victor West - Retired Clergy
- Jonathan Peter Lambert Whalley - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Michael Harvey Wheelwright - Retired Clergy
- Antony Douglas Whipp - Retired Clergy
- Keith Whiston - Reader: Date of Admission
- Francis White - Assistant Bishop, Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John White - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Brian Whitley - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- John William Whitley - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Margaret Whitley - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Edward Wilkinson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jonathan Charles Wilkinson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Elizabeth Mary Wilkinson - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (Prot of Con), Bishop's Council - Ex-officio Member - Clergy, , , , , , , , , ,
- Philip Wills - Diocesan Registrar, Surrogate, , ,
- Ashley Wilson - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Christopher Wilson - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Dorothy Jean Wilson - Retired Clergy
- Pamela Wilson - Vocations Development Support Officer
- Robert Stoker Wilson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Sylvia Wilson - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Julie Wing - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Kevin Winkworth - Reader: Date of Admission
- Margaret Wood - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Samantha Jane Wood - Reader: Funeral Permission, Reader: Date of Admission
- Caroline Jayne Worsfold - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Mavis Worsley - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Thomas Robert Worsley - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Gavin Wort - Interfaith Adviser, Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Mark Worthington - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- Jason Sydney Wratten - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Derek Anthony Wright - Retired Clergy
- Joanna Wylie - Diocesan Advisory Committee-Quinquennial Inspector
- Nigel Ralph Wyrley-Birch - Diocesan Synod-Ex-officio Mem (House of Laity), Board of Education-Elected (Durham Archdeaconry) - Laity, , ,
- Mary Anne Yasini - Clergy with Bishop's Licence
- Charles Yeats - Retired Clergy
- Andrew John Young - Reader: Date of Admission, Reader: Funeral Permission
- Pauline Young - Reader: Date of Admission
- Vivienne Ruth Young - Clergy with Permission to Officiate
- David Thoms Youngson - Retired Clergy
- Ian David Zass-Ogilvie - Retired Clergy with Permission to Officiate